Posted in Horrorimo

New Neighbour – Horrorimo#3 @


She pulled the scarf around her ear and tied the knot, happy that she brought it when she stepped out for evening walk. It was late but there was no reason to be afraid.

The security was top notch in their gated community. The light caught her attention, new neighbors! Right across her flat and she did not even noticed them moving in!

Must have happened when she was out for shopping, these days packers and movers are highly efficient and professional so if they delivered the things in two hours and left before she returned there was no reason to be surprised. Or the family has arrived first and are waiting for their stuffs…

She lifted her head when she was walking past the house and her heart stopped beating. Was that a human being looking down from the window?

His face seemed like a porcelain mask, eyes… she could not see them clearly because he had his back turned towards the light but they did not appeared to be present behind that mask.

She had a feeling that if he removed that mask there wont be anything behind it! She shook her head to ensure that she was actually awake and outside, walking, not dreaming and then looked back again, after mustering all her courage, the room was dark, there was no one at the window.


Published author in amazon looking for literary agents and publishers, feel free to contact me or Creative editor of two Ezines Agnishatdal and Agnijaat- check them out here and

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